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WHAT IS SILKGRAPHY?Silkscreen printing is a type of screen printing in which special polyester, nylon or metal nets of small thickness with a high fre..

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Silkscreen printing is a type of screen printing in which special polyester, nylon or metal nets of small thickness with a high frequency of yarn arrangement are used as the material for making the printing plate.

Silk screen took its name from the English name of the patent of the beginning of the last century on the screen printing process “Silk Screen Printing” - literally can be translated as “silk screen printing” - screen printing. It is believed that this printing method originated far in antiquity, but the silk-screen printing technology acquired a modern look and widespread demand already in the middle of the 20th century.

Screen printing is, in fact, an improved screen printing method, instead of the term “screen printing” in printing, a more precise concept is used - screen printing.

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